Square Against Air
Forget everything you know � about motorcycles to be sure, but also about physics, engineering, manufacturing and design. The nUCLEUS does not seek the traditional path of least resistance, choosing instead to go beyond.
The only other time that I have felt thrilled and mystified in a similar way to that engendered by Branko Lukić came from working with Naoto Fukasawa.
The ideas in this book made me fall in love with design all over again.
"[Lukić’s] objective of humanizing mass-manufactured objects is among the most important challenges for design."
The only other time that I have felt thrilled and mystified in a similar way to that engendered by Branko Lukić came from working with Naoto Fukasawa.
Forget everything you know � about motorcycles to be sure, but also about physics, engineering, manufacturing and design. The nUCLEUS does not seek the traditional path of least resistance, choosing instead to go beyond.
No matter how sophisticated your camera is, it only captures what is right in front of it. Why not expand our understanding of what capturing the moment really means to simultaneously reveal what is Behind the Scene?
Without exception, today’s smart phones are opaque barriers that do not hint at the magical instant human connection they are capable of providing. Tarati escapes the opacity to mirror the experience of connecting with each other through the ether.
The spoon is one of the oldest eating utensils, and the design has not changed much for thousands of years. The 1001 Drops advances beyond simple functionality to actually heighten your tasting experience.
In the over-clocked pace of the world today we want functionality � instantly and immediately. CUin5 takes functionality to a new level by not leaving a single dead surface on your phone. The first surface touched is ready and at your service.
The only other time that I have felt thrilled and mystified in a similar way to that engendered by Branko Lukić came from working with Naoto Fukasawa.
The ideas in this book made me fall in love with design all over again.
A designer’s motto should always be “What if?�. It certainly is the motto of Nonobject. The fantasy of what an object should or could be becomes a way for the designer to embrace experimentation and imbue projects with a vitality that expands beyond the physical object and into our experience.�
Branko Lukić is the best design-fiction designer in the world. His wry and eerie metaphysical extrapolations make lesser efforts seem toylike.
A century of exponential innovation has left us in a world of too many artifacts � and too few. The result is a poverty of abundance that begs for a radical view of design. Nonobject is that radical new view.
[Lukić’s] objective of humanizing mass-manufactured objects is among the most important challenges for design.
Nonobject explores the space between the product and the person � exactly the place where contemporary design should be looking. It is a challenging approach that brings very inspiring results.